Lirik lagu "Million Years Ago" milik Adele

1 month ago 14

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Lagu "Million Years Ago" yang dirilis oleh diva pop asal Inggris Adele Adkins dalam album "25" pada 2015 sempat dihadapkan pada kontroversi plagiarisme, dengan gugatan hukum oleh komponis Toninho Geraes di Brasil menuduhnya menjiplak lagu samba "Mulheres" yang direkam oleh Martinho da Bila pada 1995.

Lagu "Million Years Ago" oleh Adele, diproduseri oleh Greg Kurstin, merupakan balada yang mengungkapkan kerinduan Adele akan masa lalu sebelum ketenaran, termasuk sebelum kehilangan ibunya dan perubahan dinamika pertemanan.

Lagu yang ditulis oleh Adele dan diproduksi bersama Greg produsernya itu bercerita tentang kesepian yang dirasakan seseorang karena perubahan perlakuan orang-orang terhadapnya setelah terkenal.

Lagu itu hingga kini telah ditonton lebih dari 22,4 juta kali pemutaran di Youtube.

Lirik lagu "Million Years Ago" sebagai berikut:

I only wanted to have fun

Learning to fly, learning to run

I let my heart decide the way

When I was young

Deep down, I must have always known

That this would be inevitable

To earn my stripes, I'd have to pay

And bare my soul

I know I'm not the only one

Who regrets the things they've done

Sometimes I just feel it's only me

Who can't stand the reflection that they see

I wish I could live a little more

Look up to the sky, not just the floor

I feel like my life is flashing by

And all I can do is watch and cry

I miss the air, I miss my friends

I miss my mother, I miss it when

Life was a party to be thrown

But that was a million years ago

When I walk around all of the streets

Where I grew up and found my feet

They can't look me in the eye

It's like they're scared of me

I try to think of things to say

Like a joke or a memory

But they don't recognize me now

In the light of day

I know I'm not the only one

Who regrets the things they've done

Sometimes I just feel it's only me

Who never became who they thought they'd be

I wish I could live a little more

Look up to the sky, not just the floor

I feel like my life is flashing by

And all I can do is watch and cry

I miss the air, I miss my friends

I miss my mother, I miss it when

Life was a party to be thrown

But that was a million years ago

A million years ago

Baca juga: Lirik lagu "Someone Like You" oleh Adele

Baca juga: Adele ucapkan terima kasih ke Celine Dion hadiri konsernya

Baca juga: Adele berencana rehat dalam waktu dekat

Pewarta: Abdu Faisal
Editor: Maria Rosari Dwi Putri
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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